Sandra Di Leo

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Sandra Di Leo is an award-winning Canadian multi-disciplinary, contemporary artist with practices in both painting and graphic design. She was born in Wawa (ON) in 1978 and resides in Toronto (ON). Sandra studied art and design at George Brown College where she graduated from the graphic design program in 2000. Her work is influenced by the American Abstract Expressionists movement (1940s and 1950s). She works solely in acrylics and paints non-objective art through colour theory and abstract expressionism, exploring life themes such as love, loss, transformation and new beginnings. Sandra regularly exhibits in art galleries and major international art fairs, her painting “Sleep My Darling Sleep” was recently selected for a digital exhibition at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario). Sandra’s artworks are in private and corporate collections.


I am an award-winning multi-disciplinary contemporary artist with practices in both painting and graphic design. My art is self-reflective, an introspective exploration of self-discovery and ultimately an intimate form of emotional expression. My work is influenced by the American Abstract Expressionists movement (1940s and 1950s). I work solely in acrylics and paint non-objective art through colour theory and abstract expressionism. I explore life themes such as love, loss, transformation and new beginnings. My intention is to capture the emotion of an experience by implementing the fundamentals of colour and form and the principles of graphic design. I work with colour to create rhythm, movement and depth. My gestural brush strokes and signature black markings create a dynamic impression of spontaneity, energy and motion to complete the emotional narrative.