Casandra Merson

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I am an artist originally from Ontario, Canada. I grew up in a small town and discovered my passion when I was young. I lived for the studio and the outdoors.
I went university in the big city of Toronto where I obtained my bachelor's degree in Fine Art. I specialised in drawing, painting and printmaking. It was in the city that I soaked up as much culture and art as I could. Spending days in the studios or going to gallery exhbitions.
After graduating with honours I took my skills back to my small town and was blessed to create artworks such as murals, window paintings and smaller artworks for the community.
I recently relocated to Calgary, Alberta, another city where I now get to share my art and passion!


Nature and Art have have always been my two passions. I love being out doors and have a strong appreciation for mother earth. Nature has always been my muse in my works. The healing energy of the vibrant sun, the grounding energy of trees, the freshness and life of growth, death, decay and rebirth. It is what inspires me to keep creating and it always comes up in my work. My love for flowers and plants only grows as my skill for painting develops.
I have always worked with plants and flowers. From greenhouse jobs to gardening positions, always getting my hands dirty or covered in paint. Nature fuels me and art acts as a form of a release, an expression of my love, my ideas, my passions that I get to share with the world!