Jack Stewart

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Hi there, I'm Jack! I am a Canadian artist out of Toronto, Ontario, 30 years young, and even though you didn't ask, I love my wife more than my motorcyle (but don't tell my bike that).

During the day, I design a lot of licensed apparel that you might very well be wearing right now! And by night, I waste the paper in my sketchbook, and the canvas on all my strechers trying to make something you'll want to hang on your walls rather than in your closet. And sometimes, just sometimes, the stars align, my prayers are heard, the offering is accepted, and BAM! I feel like I've managed to make something that will capture the attention of anyone who passes by. And that's my dream. To put things in this world that mesmerize and capativate. That give people something to get lost in for a little while; stimulating their mind, their emotions, and maybe even their imagination.

I primarly work with acrylics and acrylic mediums on fabric and wood canvas. But I also like to mix it up with a little spray paint from time to time, even mixing it into my acrylic works when the desire overtakes me, (and it overtakes me a lot). In the digi-sphere, I mess around with everything from digital painting, vector illustrations, typography, 3D rendering and even photo manipulation. For years, I've been trying to find a balance between improving my skills in physical art and my desire to learn more digital techniques. Staying consistently in one lane for too long has never been my m.o. 'Cause I love learning about the things I enjoy, and I enjoy a lot of things. But that's just my style, and this is my art.


I explore the human condition and life itself through the use of vivid colours and alluring texture. Not abstract, not realism, my works fall somewhere between the physical and the fantastical. We rarely see the world in the bright hues that our eyes and brains are capable of comprehending. So, like a state of expanded consciousness, a hallucination, or the opening of a third-eye, I strive to make fantasy out of the normal, overlaying the mundane with the whimsical.


Acrylic on wood panel.


A golden moon hangs in a crimson sky. It stands still in the sky, for it sees a gem glistening atop the rock below. The geisha, draped in red, with threads as golden as the moon, woven into flowers. A faithful encounter, a crossing of paths, on one lonely night.

Jack Stewart


Acrylic on wood panel.


"I cannot stand it, it hurts, it pains me to my core. Please do not look at me, please leave me be. Please, let me..."

Sadness, dispair, anger, hurt, these emotions are primary to our being. They remind us we are connected to something more than ourselves.

Jack Stewart


Acrylic on wood panel.


Have you ever felt stuck between two worlds? A desire to be refined, or to let go and be loose?

Neon Fringe symbolizes the feeling of being torn between opposing side of ones personality, styles, and/or interests. Some areas lean towards realism, while others, only an impression. While small, this pieces contains many differing textures and brush works, leading the viewer around the work to explore them all.

Jack Stewart


Acrylic on wood panel.


A couple in love. The world swells around them in vivid hues of teals, purple, and pinks. A gentle vibration, the subtle harmonizing of rythms overcomes them, and their admirers. They are whole, aligned, and connected.

Jack Stewart


Acrylic on wood panel.


Thousands upon thousands. The overall shape and style, easily recognizable and defined. But the individual strands that make them up? Nearly impossible to differeniate.

Jack Stewart