Karen Cohen

Karen is a contemporary landscape artist working in acrylic, and mixed media. She was born and currently lives in Toronto, Ontario. Karen’s professional life was in health care, as a nurse, and later a social worker.


I have been a creator all my life, and now.....a full-time artist. I am a self-taught artist, having worked with many mediums over the years. On canvas and wood, acrylic paint is my favourite. It allows me to manipulate the paint with texture and brush strokes. Finding combinations of colours that are vibrant and fulfill the atmosphere never fails to excite me. Many of my paintings wrap around the sides of the canvas when the subject seems to naturally gravitate further than the surface.

I was born and, remain to live in Toronto, Ontario. I started my professional life in health care, as a nurse, and later a social worker. In my spare time over many years, I studied piano. The percussive response of playing an instrument and the ability to create lyrical music on a piano has influenced my approach to a canvas.

Growing up, I spent most weekends in northern Ontario. Sounds of loons, thunderstorms, fields, trees, the smell after rain, the feeling of power when the lake swells, all remain with me and translate into my paintings.

I like to believe my art reflects my compassion of the human condition, living in a large city, and, with eyes that seek out every inch of nature to bask in or……. Return to.