Canvas reproduction hand embellished with gold leaf and acrylic paints.


Hand embellished canvas reproduction

16" / 20"

When you are going through your day, just say “ I am Joy, I am peace “. Say it a number of times in a day. Say it often and slowly, emphasising on each and every word slowly. I - AM - JOY - I - AM - PEACE . Feel the vibrations of the words as you slowly say them, and try and feel that feeling of joy and peace within you. Feel that you are in that joyful and peaceful moment even when things are chaos around you. Feel the joy and peace pushing away any kind of negativity your mind might be driven towards. Feel yourself surrounded by that light, that you DESERVE to be surrounded with. Hug yourself and tell yourself - I am joy, I am peace !!

“ Find your inner voice and find Peace and Joy “ Buddha Hand embellished canvas reproduction

Shilpa Ruchandani



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