Zoë Bridgman

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Upon graduating from The San Francisco Art Institute Zoë worked as a photographers assistant in San Francisco for 1 year and then as a commercial photographer for over a decade in Canada. While working commercially she made concept driven photo work which was exhibited at CONTACT photo (Gladstone) and Flash Forward. Zoë began painting in 2016 and has been working as a full time artist since.


I use painting as a way of reflecting and mapping emotions, events and conversations. Observations related to my life and the greater culture we live in. Reflecting experience back out to the viewer by mirroring our larger culture within the bounds of the human condition.
The use of words/eyes within my practice is a form of release as well as cataloguing the moment I am in. Classifying my observations and emotions on what is happening around me. Words/eyes are a pin to start the process of making art and relieve me of the thoughts/observations.
My practice is observation and catharsis all at once. A reflection of the human condition through the lens in which I am living.