Abraham Vazquez

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Abraham Vazquez, born in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in the course of the nineties, I began to be passionate about art as a child, through comics and cartoons, and at the same time it was a way to navigate the violent environment of my life. city ​​and my family, this violence intrinsic to the culture led me as a teenager to Graffiti and everything that is related to life on the streets of the third world. At this moment in my life I was already beginning my political studies and to position myself in the world with a clear opinion regarding social injustices, and falling in love with the incredible adventures of the revolutionaries of the years 1900 - 1980, joining the radical activism of my country, later during my studies as an artist I discovered the spiritual sciences, mysticism, hermeticism, magic and religions participating in different rituals, practices, techniques and different medicines which took my state of consciousness in short moments to unimaginable idyllic, ethereal levels, that is what makes up my work, a deep desire to achieve unity, without forget the natural and universal social diversity, the I am wrapped in the we are, the unity of multiplicity.


life is just an aesthetic experience, enjoy the ride


Oil on canvas.


The right to live represents a young woman, who, covered by the veil, longs for freedom, the beloved of her origin, her home, that mutual home for all that is in the world of the inexorable, with a broken heart alone. remains in it, the memory of the place where it comes from and to which one day it will return.

Abraham Vazquez


Oil and acrylic on canvas.


In many cultures, the rooster represents masculine virility, the celebration of sacred sexuality, the man who connects with his deep being and filled with love, obtains the song of thunder and is crowned king, enjoys pleasure and mystical authority.

Abraham Vazquez