Ala Ilescu

Ala Ilescu is a Canadian artist who was born in Eastern Europe. She is a former circus artist and juggler. Being part of a circus family, she traveled everywhere around the world on several tours. She has a University degree in show management.

At the age of 26, she decided to emigrate to Canada, where she met her husband. They have two children together. While in Canada, she retired from circus life and explored other careers like customer service and real estate.

Ala was always a creative person. In 2018 she started painting, exploring different mediums and styles. "I feel like I found myself when I discovered watercolor".
Ala loves painting women's portraits in abstract, fantasy and surrealist styles.
Ala gets her inspiration by reading poems.


Ala Ilescu is a Canadian artist who works primarily in watercolor. She paints beautiful realistic portraits of women and adds an expressive layer of emotion with color and surrealist elements.
She likes to combine the spontaneity of this unpredictable medium with realistic, detailed elements, achieved through a layering technic.
Her paintings are mostly inspired by poetry. She likes to illustrate what poets beautifully describe in words. Ala wants her art to evoke feelings and strong reactions, by challenging the mind and intellect on different subjects.