Alexandra McLaughlin
Alexandra McLaughlin is a self-taught Canadian painter, fortunate enough to have grown up on beautiful Georgian Bay. Following her studies, backpacking abroad and an invaluable first career as a paramedic, she moved back to the Bay with her family where she pursues her art full time. Working from her home studio in Midland, Ontario (or out on the islands) allows Alex to maximize precious painting time and be the present mother she has always wanted to be. Alex’s work can be found in private collections internationally and continues to gain recognition in her local community. She was a finalist for the BMFA’s prestigious Clerkson award in 2019, her work was recently selected as part of the Society of Canadian Artists’ 2024 International Juried Show, and she just created her first solo exhibition at the Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation in Midland.
My current artwork is reflective of my lifelong connection to Georgian Bay. It is a study of nostalgia, driven by introspection. By painting the water and landscape that surrounded me throughout my childhood, it feels like coming home, over and over again. I have always been fascinated by the patterns, textures and interactions happening in nature and felt very much a part of it, not just witness to it. I wish to draw the viewer of my work into the exact same place, and hopefully foster even greater appreciation and respect for the natural world.
Sitting on a dock, staring at the mesmerizing water has always been my favourite place to think, feel and dream. Painting the ever changing light on the water’s surface has not only become a meditative practice, but offers endless opportunities for me to play with perspective and composition. You will often find me taking hundreds of photos during a single sunset or creating quick, small scale watercolour studies while out exploring Georgian Bay islands. I then make larger scale acrylic paintings from these impressions, sometimes up to years later.