Alina Urusov
Alina has worked in comics and animation since 2009. She has done work for Marvel, DC, Disney Hyperion, Guru Studio, Brownbag Films, Industrial Brothers, and Sony Animation among others. She is inspired by instagram, fashion, animation, edm festivals, surrealism, street art, and shiny pink things.
She has a love for traveling in search of new visual inspiration. She also loves music, dancing and hula hooping/flow arts. She is working on making youtube vlogs and comedy vids. She is interested in psychology and believes this reality isn't what it seems.
She has a 9 year old son who hasn't fallen far from the Alina tree.
Babybeebones is a label that believes in unifying the different and differentiating from the rest, in a way that soothes the eyes but raises the eyebrow. A flowing oozy playground of shapes and colours, it had its origins when the artist spent time at playgrounds and noted that adults weren't given many opportunities to play in trully creative ways, except at music festivals and select parties. She dreams of bringing these self contained worlds that she draws and paints into the 3d realm and building environments with sculptures and vj animations where playing with visuals and sound is an essential part of living.