Amogh Katyayan

I don't think I was born an artist, and some people may still think I'm not one today! In my view, everyone is an artist. Below is the best story I ever read about this, from an art book, in the words of an art instructor:

“When I was getting ready to go teach my art class, my 4-year-old daughter asked where I was going. ‘I am going to teach some adults how to draw,’ I replied. My daughter responded, ‘Do adults forget how to draw?’”

We all have an artist within us. Some of us get the opportunity to explore it, while others become so busy with life that we forget to draw.
I was born and raised in the foothills of the Himalayas in India. My parents, being typical Indian parents, encouraged me to become an engineer or a doctor. So, I eventually became an engineer by education and profession. I'm not complaining, as I've had a very good career in this field across various countries and continents. Now, I am settled in Calgary, Canada.

Throughout these years, my inner artist remained awake, and I never completely forgot how to draw, although I came close to losing it.

My mother used to paint when she was young. At the age of 65, she decided to take it up again and attended art classes. Since she couldn't speak English, I was supposed to be her translator, so I ended up signing up for those classes as well. During those classes, I realized that I still had some artistry left in me. That’s how I began experimenting with various styles to find what I liked most. My initial work was a mix of different techniques and styles. Without formal art education, my search was crude and laborious, but eventually, I found my path.

My recent work includes a combination of acrylic, gesso, and color pastels. When we paint randomly with different color combinations, we unknowingly create something on the canvas. My new style involves discovering that art on the canvas, similar to finding shapes in the clouds! Pastel work brings those shapes to life.

For formal art education, I attended some art courses for adults. I am a member of the Calgary Creative Art Guild and participate in their art shows. I also took part in a charity art competition and won first prize for the fastest acrylic painting!

In addition to painting, I have a hobby of woodworking and have made a few sculptures from scrap wood.

Creativity is only the beginning with no end!

Destig Magazine 2021

Circle Magazine Spotlight Vol 26 2021

Capsule Book Curatorial Volume 3

ArtFolio Yearbook 2022

Calgary Guardian Interview

Niji Magazine Interview

City of Calgary Arts Program
·  Certificate in mixed arts

GB Pant University
·  Bachelor of Technology, Technical Engineering

Penn State University
·  Masters in Project Management


2017 -Exhibition Impact Pictures Calgary
2018 - Exhibition CCAG Canada
2019 - Exhibition Calgary Creative Arts Guild
2019 - 'Concept' Exhibition of Federation of Canadian Artist, Vancouver

2019 - Other Art Fair Dallas
2019 - Fall Art Exhibition CCAG Calgary
2020 - RAW Artist Showcase 'Premiere' at

2020 - 'Limitless' Exhibition of Federation of
Canadian Artist, Vancouver

2020 - Insight by Calgary Sketch Club
2020 - 2 Sight by Calgary Sketch Club
2020 - Recollections by Calgary Sketch Club
2020 - Fall Show by CCAG Canada
2021 - Selected for Florence Biennale
2021 - Fall Show Calgary Sketch Club
2021 - Fall Show by CCAG
2022 - Spring Show Calgary Sketch Club
2022 - CCAG Spring Exhibition
2022 - Vancouver Salon
2022 - Federation of Canadian Artist 40th
Anniversary exhibition
2022 - CCAG Fall show
2022 - Under100 Art Show Calgary
2023 - CCAG Spring show
2023 - CSC Spring show
2023 - Fort Calgary Art Exhibition
2023 - CSA Fall show
2023 - CCAG Fall show
2023 - Under 100 Artshow
2024 - Federation of Canadian Artists Art show
2022 - Under100 Art Show Calgary
2023 - CCAG Spring show
2023 - CSC Spring show
2023 - Flip the script (Fort Calgary Art
2023 - CSA Fall show
2023 - CCAG Fall show
2023 - Under 100 Artshow
2024 - Federation of Canadian Artists Art show


My painting technique is akin to finding images in the clouds. I start with a blank canvas and, as I layer on the initial coat of paint to create textures and colours, shapes and figures begin to emerge. This forms the foundation of my paintings. Embracing an open-minded approach allows my work to evolve organically, taking on a life of its own. The initial images I perceive develop into stories, issues, and experiences that resonate with others.
