David Gista

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David Gista was born and raised in Paris, and now divides his time between France and the United States, having established his artistic career on both continents.
Gista studied art at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris and so combines his classical fine arts training with his keen-eyed examination of modernity, creating a running commentary on contemporary life expressed in a variety of media.
He also has been teaching painting, creativity and art history for many years and is curating exhibitions as well in a variety of venues for many years.

David has exhibited his work extensively between France and the United States, and also throughout Europe.

His work is very often about books and libraries and our relationship to knowledge and informations in the digital era.


Our bodies are wired so that the impressions that we receive through the senses evoke emotional responses that in turn engender thoughts. Artists take that constant of the human condition and create arrangements of sense data through media that stimulate, intensify and concentrate subjective response: art is affect. David Gista is a painter that understands this truth, taking into account the entire dynamic of art as experience, from perception through emotion to reflection. Painters who stop at perception provide pleasing, provocative or disturbing aesthetic surfaces, and those who stop at emotion are generally conventional or idiosyncratic; painters who go all the way to thoughtful reflection offer their viewers a comprehensive experience.