Erin Fitzgibbon

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I am a photographer, freelance writer, artist and certified teacher, located in Ontario Canada. As a regular contributor to Digital Photography School much of my work focuses on helping others to reach their own creative goals in photography. My work has appeared in both international and local magazines.

I am a member of several art organizations including The Ontario Society of Artists, Headwater's Arts, and CARFAC. I am represented by the Southampton Art Centre. My Work has been recognized by Canadian Geographic, The International Photography Association and the Contact Photography Festival.


I am an artist of Irish and French-Canadian descent. Themes of beauty and perfection in existence permeate all facets of my work. The camera leads me to unexpected places in search of these elements. My inspiration is often quite spontaneous. Many times ideas hit me like a truck, and I have to scramble to find my camera before the moment is gone. The result is a collection of images that vary greatly in subject matter and quite often style.

Some people have pushed me to choose a subject matter or a style for my photography. To be known for a “type” of photography. My “type” is beautiful and varied. I make no apologies for being “all over the place”. I hold onto a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. He said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”