Jessica Spagnolo

My name is Jess Spagnolo [Spa-ñolo] and I am a Canadian self-taught artist based out of Ontario.
​Apart from painting, I am very fond of strong coffee, good cuisine, tropical heat, hiking through forests and songwriting.
Throughout childhood, my background in art consisted of sketchbooks filled with doodles. Whether they were comic strips that made no sense or questionable sketches of unproportioned people and human-like animals, my mother kept these snippets of time in boxes, never to discard my childhood creativity.
Fast-forward to late teens, I began a brief journey studying Fine Arts at York University. Events in my life would be the cause for changing my major as well as schools, and graduating with a degree in music. During this time, throughout 2012-2019, I worked as a secondary painter ​with the GTA-Based Hand Painted murals©, bringing life to walls as we worked in homes, offices, schools, hospitals and many businesses.

Painting murals sparked something new and I realized I loved both canvas painting and wall painting equally.


The artistic voice is the megaphone of our creative perspective. This unique voice that we all have tells stories of the depths of your soul.
My voice longs to tell of the beauty around us.
Created so that I could create that which points back to the Creator.

This is a beautiful, ever-changing and shifting journey, moving to the pace of my own creative growth and personal and spiritual development.
One thing that won't change:
My canvases will always serve as the meeting point between the revelation of divine perspective, and the receptive, open heart: you.