Leo Baduria

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For over 50 years, Leo has been interested in art as a way to express his passion for the beauty of nature around him. He comes from a family of creative people where art and music were encouraged as forms of self-expression. It is no wonder that several generations in the family are noted for their skills in drawing, painting, photography and music.

For his part, Leo has always explored various art forms and always maintained an open mind about learning new techniques and appreciating other artists' works. He has studied Classical Drawing at the Academy of Realist Art in Toronto, and has traveled extensively to study the drawings and oil paintings of the 15th - 20th century artists in European cities such as Venice, Florence, Rome, Vienna, Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt.

His works reflect both the styles of the impressionists and realist painters, yet with a unique interpretation of \the subjects through his own understanding of the beauty that surrounds nature in all forms.

Many of his works for the last 25


We are all born with unique gifts which we can discover through open minds and put to good use for the benefit of humanity.


Oil on canvas.


This fierce-looking lioness was one of several who appeared more fearsome than their male counterpart. The darkening skies in October signal the coming rain, and the lioness must find food for her young family. I believe this one was also pregnant. After spending almost an hour, we witnessed their quiet strength in the pack, more engaged in the family unit yet still determined to be powerful hunters.

Leo Baduria


Oil on canvas.


SIMBA, A young male Lion 16” x 20” Oil on Canvas
Background: This young lion was one of the 5 young male lions resting quietly around a tree in Maasai Mara, Kenya. His look was one of confidence and knowledge of his rightful place to be where he is, and we were simply respectful spectators to be aware of. No doubt, this lion will grow to lead his own pack in a year or two.
Our small group of 6 were the only ones around and fortunate enough to find these lions and savour a quiet moment for 25 minutes, as safaris usually can be busy with many others looking at wild animals.

Leo Baduria