Lindsi Hollend

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Capturing engaging and evocative imagery that inspires people to appreciate the power of perspective.


Lindsi Hollend is a fine art photographer based in Toronto.

Lindsi has a unique perspective of the everyday moments and objects in the world, be it the allure of nature or the magnitude of the space that surrounds her. She is fascinated by texture, layers, colours and contrast - all of which are abundant in her work.

Photography has given her the true gift of experiencing the world as a keen and eager observer and it is through this medium that she challenges her viewer to appreciate the power of how personal perspective shapes their own lives.

Through the act of looking outward to capture these unique and evocative images, Lindsi continually feels compelled to look inward to illuminate how each truly reflects and effects the other. Her work challenges her viewers’ notions of how their inner landscape might effect their outward vision of the world.

Lindsi has always championed the betterment of one’s self through introspection - capturing these engaging and evocative images has led Lindsi to shift her life as well - and she is mindful of the influence her imagery has on inspiring people to appreciate the power of perspective.

Lindsi is grateful to have a craft that allows her to step away from the chaos and create something engaging and inspiring. Her photography allows space for the viewer to stop and consider the world around them in a new perspective.