Loreta Hume

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Born and living in Toronto ON, my career path started with editorial illustration, followed by a successful career in graphic design. These past few years I have returned to exploring my passion for producing fine art. Oil on canvas are my preferred media. My art portfolio includes montages inspired by personal experiences travaelling the world. I have also produced a broad collection of Canadian themed art. Visit my web site to see the full portfolio: loretahume.com


Looking is physical, and overlooking common. Seeing is an involved mental process of perception. I want my art to take my audience deep into scenes that have resonated with me. I encourage my audience to take the time to see, observe, study, connect and their “take away” to be the conscious practice of finding joy and peace in their surroundings, whether travelling or walking through their immediate neighbourhood.
Quick sketches and watercolours are the planning steps before putting oil paint to canvas. Our memories of our fondest experiences, are always exaggerated as being more exciting, more colourful, “more” than the reality. When interpreting my perceptions with my art I use a generous margin of artistic license, exaggerate colours, play of light and shadow, perspective, for the “more than life” result.


Oil on canvas.


Walk pretty much anywhere in downtown St. John's and you'll be walking down Jellybean Row. Victoria Street is just one of these whimsical, historical, rows of multi coloured homes.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas.


The Irish culture is full of folklore and myths. The sidhe (wee folk, fairies) have many entrances to the otherworld such as in burial mounds, under water and even at the base of Fairy Trees. These gateways are extremely important for the movement of the wee folk so they are heavily protected by magic. Some believe if you damage or cut down a Fairy Tree you’ll be faced with a life of bad luck. People leave prayers, gifts or personal tokens attached to the tree branches in the hope of receiving healing, good fortune or having a wish come true.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas.


Naples is an enigma, a place that stirs quick emotions. Its Old Town is a tangled web of tiny, narrow streets and alley ways. Look up: you see laundry hanging from most balconies. Look down: watch your step, there is uneven or broken pavement instead of sidewalks. Look around: the vertical landscape is covered with graffiti. Every available space is a canvas for expression in words and illustrations. Stop, listen: loud voices and Vespa motors echo up to the highest floors of the congested living quarters. It is the good, the bad and the ugly of all cities.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas.


Old Delhi or Purani Dilli, capital of India, is a tangle of ancient streets and alleyways. The best way to explore this oldest area of Delhi is by rickshaw or on foot.
Hinduism considers cows to be sacred. As they roam the streets freely, breakfast and care are provided to these deeply respected creatures.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas.


Hearst Castle Grounds
San Simeon, California
La Cuesta Encantada, “The Enchanted Hill” high above the ocean at San Simeon, was the creation of two extraordinary individuals, William Randolph Hearst and architect Julia Morgan.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas.


Iceland is a landscape that has inspired thousands of legends and brings to mind a multitude of your childhood fairytales. According to one study, up to 72 percent of people in Iceland believe in elves, trolls, and the huldufolk, or “hidden people”. Huldufolk apparently look just like us but live in a different dimension inside rocks. Iceland is a land of contrast - land of ice and fire - legends and very modern technology.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas (framed).


Old quarter or “36 Old Streets”
Everything all around is always moving, on wheels, scooters, motor bikes, cars, bicycles, coming at you from every direction.
There are very few traffic signs and no visible speed limits.
Beep, “behind you.” Beep, “passing you.” Beep,”go ahead.”
Beep, “thank you.” BEEP “out of my way.”
A city of constant activity, day and night.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas (framed).


Siem Reap, Cambodia
Ankor Wat
Ta Prohm
Bantreay Srei

• Angkor meaning: “city”
• Vishnu, Hindu, Buddhist
• Faith and the abode of ancient gods
• Fusion of creative ambition and spiritual devotion
Angkor Watt remains an active spiritual and pilgrimage site for Buddhists. Unfortunately uninformed tourists, with cameras, cell phones, radios and loud enthusiasm, often disrespect the sanctity of this place of worship.
The white monkey, suggesting purity, is a sad observer.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas.


The Andean people of Peru celebrate Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the three pachas (worlds).
The three levels of existence are Hana Pacha (the upper world inhabited by the superior gods), Kay Pacha, (the world of our everyday existence) and Ukhu or Urin Pacha (the underworld inhabited by spirits of the dead, the ancestors, their overlords and various deities having close contact to the Earth plane).

The upper world represents the future, the middle world is the present, and the lower world is the past. One goes through each stage of life from birth to death.

Loreta Hume


Oil on canvas (framed).


Hot dry day in Provence. This door is well weathered by the elements of time. Yet the red retains an intensity. The foliage manages to thrive in the rock and dust.

Loreta Hume