Maria Ibarra

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Maria Ibarra is a Latin American artist, based in Canada. She has lived in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario. Explorer of the different aspects of the visual arts and her expressions. Writer, painter, illustrator, sculptor, set decorator and scenic artist for theatre and film industry, but above all; a passionate lover of a medium that everyone at any time of our lives once we use:PLASTICINE. Media she dominates and serves as an inspiration and a catalyst of her world and fantasy. She has been working with plasticine since very young, material she finds the perfect match for the themes she like to show on her work.
The meaning of Happiness, the small details in life that make the difference, childhood dreams, all those things forgotten in our path of loosing innocence and the unstoppable goodby of childhood, are the themes always present on her work. Mix of colours, embodied forgotten dreams hidden on a board of thousands of dots, worked with a lot of patience and careful details. Making her work a harmonious result of colour and shapes, a delicate and fine work of jewelry.

FERU, that is her artistic name. Was born 50 years ago in Cartagena -Colombia. Where the warm weather, the people, the sun, the beach, and the colourful environment, nurtured and influenced her art work. As an emerging artist she hasn't wasted an opportunity to learn new material and technique. Her academic development has been between Colombia,Canada,EEUU and Spain. Countries that have supplemented her perspective on the sense of contribution to the arts as a (Naive) artist. She has made more than 30 individual and collective exhibitions, where she always leaves her soul, and where adults and children are identified. She has been a tireless art teacher, spreading the importance of art and its benefits.


Plasticine on board.


Fantastic nature made with plasticine.

Maria Ibarra