Nathan Clarke

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Clarke’s subject matter is deeply personal: his thoughts, experiences, and feelings boiled down to images in his head. He approaches painting without an agenda, moving away from meaning-making and letting his subconscious filter his practice.


Clarke’s style could be described as Post-Impressionism. It is representational, but of emotional exposure rather than photographic surface. Nathan Clarke is a self-taught artist residing in Vancouver, British Columbia.


Acrylic on canvas (framed).


Quiet is calming painting. It is a piece that reminds us to take time away from the chaos of life to be still, to unplug and sit still. When we meditate, we quiet the mind.

Everything in you that you don't need, you can let go of. You don't need loneliness for you couldn't possibly be alone. You don't need greed because you already have it all. You don't need doubt because you already know. The confusion is saying "I don't know" but the minute you are quiet. You find out that in truth you do know. For in you, you know. Plane after plane will open to you. I want to know who I really am

Nathan Clarke


Acrylic on canvas.


Two dogs went looking for America, and didn’t find it anywhere. A Boston Terrier and Klee Kai riding motorcycles, portraying Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper from the movie Easy Rider.

Nathan Clarke


Acrylic on canvas.


Open Your Eyes depicts a person’s mind waking up. Similar to to escaping the matrix which can be a complex and challenging process, as it involves breaking free from the deeply ingrained societal norms, cultural beliefs, and personal habits that shape our perceptions and behaviours. Question your assumptions. Free your mind.

Nathan Clarke


Acrylic on canvas.


In Stanley Kubrick’s,
2001: A Space Odyssey, The Jovian monolith was a "Star Gate" created and used by The Firstborn, who conducted experiments throughout many star systems more than 4 million years ago. The TMA-2 Star Gate served as a type of wormhole, until it merged with Jupiter to become a mini-sun.

Nathan Clarke


Acrylic on canvas.


In Stanley Kubrick’s
2001: A Space Odyssey, David Bowman discovers the Jovian Monolith. He travels through a Star Gate of unknown space and time. The Star Gate brings Bowman to a replica of a Hotel Room. In this space, time seems to excel or jump toward the final days of Bowman’s life. Like a dream, he sees himself at older life stages of himself until he assumingly expires. Bowman is then reincarnated into a Star Child, who then transforms into a type of energy being.

Nathan Clarke