Nina Sendrijas Jones

Nina Sendrijas Jones is a Filipino Canadian Artist based in Calgary, AB. She is both a Fine Arts Painter and Surface Pattern Designer. She is the artist behind Gaia’s Portrait, a brand that produces nature-inspired art and products bearing Nina’s original designs.

Starting a self-taught artist, she learned to paint intuitively by allowing pure creative flow and emotions, to dictate composition and every brush strokes and color selections that she puts into her paintings. Acrylic is her medium of choice and occasionally, she paints with watercolors.

She is also as passionate and confident in creating her designs in a virtual canvas, as she is with her paintings. Creating vibrantly, colorful interpretations of nature in all her designs.

As an artist, nature is Nina’s muse. She finds nature as a bountiful source of inspiration, that an artist like herself, can endlessly play with. Living in an area with many beautiful natural parks, world class lakes and rivers, and wonderful mountains and forests, and having been born and raised in the beautiful islands of the Philippines, have really influenced her artistic core values.

Browsing through her portfolio, you will find, animal, floral, botanical and natural landscape motifs and themes, both in her artworks and designs.


“Art to me is an authentic expression of my inner voice, a soul expression, unique to my identity and personality. My artistic creations are celebrations of my discovery of the natural world, and my discovery of self.
I aim to bring joy and inspiration through my art. I also hope to influence love and appreciation of our natural environment and raise awareness for the need for responsible guardianship of our natural world.”
-Nina Sendrijas Jones