Rosalyn Insley

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Rosalyn Insley Bio

Since moving to Eastern Ontario in 2018, I have delved into the life of a full time painter. The beautiful scenery of Eastern Ontario is an endless source of inspiration. I'm fascinated by the strong horizontals and verticals of nature and the effect light has on these elements. I paint with acrylics on stretched canvas. I love (and hate!) how quickly acrylics dry, the intensity of the colours, the ease of cleanup (that lets me spend my time painting). I love the feel of canvas - the texture, the way the fabric moves under the brush, and also the way it resists the pressure - the feeling that the canvas itself is part of the process, and not just a static entity.

I love the outdoors (though I'm partial to good weather!) I find the countryside invigorating - I close my eyes, hear the twittering of birds, the rustle of leaves, the lapping waves against my kayak - what could be better than this! And I want to capture that feeling on canvas. I want my paintings to me more than pretty pictures - I want to capture a moment in time, have it evoke a feeling or a memory - of a favourite spot, a perfect moment in time, a childhood spent free in the outdoors. I want to capture the aching beauty of a sunset, the gentle embrace of a sunrise, the excitement of an approaching storm. I want the viewer to smell the pine needles, hear the water crashing over the rocks, feel the breeze whispering through tall grasses. Its a tall order, and I enjoy working every day, trying to achieve this.

If I'm not in the studio, I'm out with my camera in my kayak, or hiking or driving around searching out new subjects. I am truly blessed to be a full time painter, and to be able to share the beauty of the countryside with you.


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


An early spring day, with melt water cascading over a waterfall. The predominant colours of blue and rust are highlighted by the crisp white of the tumbling water.

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


Rocks, trees and water are my favourite subjects, and luckily there are endless combinations of those three! The low profile of this island, with it's scoured and bleached rocks, was a perfect setting, with sapphire water, emerald pines and amber maples in the distance.

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


The bleached skeletons of pine trees shine against a backdrop of blue-shadowed rocks. The sun highlights the tops of the pines, and playfully kisses the mosses and bright coloured grasses.

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


This little outcrop of rock always catches the sun in interesting ways. And it was especially nice on this autumn day, giving a nice point of highlight against the shadows and bright colours.

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


There's nothing nicer than a Paddle-in Picnic! This was a perfect autumn day, and sunning on the rocks was a joy, with the option of moving into the shadows to cool down.

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


aIt was the height of Autumn, and the trees were so pretty - past what most consider their prime colour, but I like the lace effect created when half the leaves have fallen.

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


A Diva tree is one that stands out from the crowd. Sometimes it's the shape, sometimes the colour, this time it's the spotlight. Look how she vogues for the camera! Of course, she'd be nothing without that supporting reflection 😊

Rosalyn Insley


Acrylic on gallery canvas with black edges.


A late autumn day in Algonquin Park. The maples have shed their leaves, but the Tamaracks are brilliant yellow against a backdrop of deep green spruce and silver branches. The lake is almost a mirror, reflecting the rich colours of the sky and shoreline.

Rosalyn Insley