Ryan Watson

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Ryan Watson is a Toronto-based multi-disciplinary artist utilizing combinations of paint, collage, text and abstract photography. The latter discipline originally served as inspiration for his mixed-media work then became its own artistic endeavor. His work has been seen in several television productions as well as in juried exhibitions in the GTA including a solo exhibition as a part of the CONTACT Photography Festival in 2022. He has been an active participant in the arts in Toronto for over 20 years as a music journalist, musician, DJ and in the set decoration category of IATSE 873, the city's largest film union.


WTSN art + photography is an ongoing series of manipulated digital photography inspired by experimental electronic music and the attempt to represent the feel and tone of those sounds visually. Generative art techniques are used to push real world images into further states of abstraction. The results are a collaboration between artist and contemporary post-production tools that promote nonrepresentational composition as a relevant aspect of the artistic language. Some images require minor enhancement to produce a desired result, while others are mutated beyond recognition, occasionally featuring digital 'flaws' which are intentionally highlighted.


Mixed media on canvas (framed).


Mixed media piece featuring abstract photography, acrylic paint, marker, magazine clippings and photocopies applied to canvas and mounted on a wood frame

Ryan Watson