Shannon Glowinski

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My art isn’t so much an expression of myself, but rather an expression of the world around me. My biography, credentials, and personal details are less important than the ideas, surroundings, and everyday experiences that inspire my art. I aim to create change, and my creations are testaments to the contradictions, oddities, and outliers that we encounter throughout life.


I don’t look at other artists to inspire me, I use the world around me as my inspiration. I also would not classify myself as an artist, I am a creator. My passion goes beyond just art. I want my creations to say something about the world in a different form than people are used to. I want my creations to display unique perspectives so people can experience something outside their normal purview.

My creations are inspired by playfulness and laughter. I hope through them others are able to remember the nostalgia of their childhoods. Adulthood can be boring and mundane. I want what I create to challenge our understandings of life, and through that acknowledgement and acceptance, make life better. I think as children we all want to change the world, but through hurt, failures, and misfortunes we condition ourselves for adulthood while losing perspective of the playfulness and laughter which make life special in the first place. When people care too much about their material success, what others think about them, and how they compare to others, they stop focusing on their happiness. It is especially hard to be happy when people become overwhelmed with all of the obligations and trappings of contemporary life.

I also try and make my work accessible for everyone. Accessibility concerns are an incredibly important issue in art, and I have and will continue to work on making my creations accessible and inclusive.


Acrylic on canvas.


Through the art world we are constantly told to describe and title our work. What I have to say is important, however, I want my pieces to speak for themself. I can tell you each elaborate story to describe every creation I make. I would rather you look and feel and move in a direction that the painting drives you. You may notice how I uniquely title each one of my artworks, therefore, it is not subjective to the descriptions of the work. Let my art take you on its journey.

Shannon Glowinski


Acrylic on canvas.


These abstracted cityscapes are the recreations of the views from my car window as
a young child. There is something about the city lights that has always captivated and
intrigued me. They almost take me to another world. I always have wondered what I see
that others may not. I know I capture light in my mind uniquely. I was not aware until my
adult years it was because of my astigmatism. I consider it a gift. What makes light
beautiful? Do city lights excite you?

Shannon Glowinski