Soi Yoon

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Soi Yoon majored in visual arts at Emily Carr University in Vancouver, Canada.

Yoon moves away from the boredom of skilled or habitual techniques, and uses accidental effects she discovers in her unconscious world and builds them into her very own aesthetic world.

Based on the sincerity of her unconscious thoughts, her work expresses our daily lives and the joys and sorrows of modern people. The artist puts meaning into thinking and communicating with the audience through various series.


In this contemporary world, we live life fiercely to the extent that it is difficult to breathe every day in our respective places.

Amid these radical changes, a comparative consciousness and distorted gaze that comes from the negative impacts of the media that are exposed every moment have been deceiving and dominating our own thoughts as if they were our true appearance. Gradually, making us lose our own identity and individuality.

Based on these fundamental problems, I began this series by raising my own question: “Why do I have to stay in the usual form of painting that everyone sees?”

By relocating facial features and letting them  y freely on my paper, my painting contains a message of individual freedom and respect for each other, although we are all different.

In addition, the colors used in this series symbolize a strong driving force that brings vitality to the lives of those who are weary of modern life and hoping that they move forward vigorously into the world again.

Just as the different lights and forms in each painting encompass a space together while staying in one’s place individually, we must remember that each one of us shines the most when we coexist harmoniously.

My work has a deep resonance in correcting the standardized thinking and comparative consciousness society desires, recognizing each other's differences, and moving forward to 'being myself '.

Acknowledging the di erence is relatively simple.
Staying there, not pushing away, to look with love.
Wouldn't that be the true form of society we really want?