Tatjana Hutinec

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Born in Germany, Tatjana Hutinec grew up and studied in Zagreb, Croatia. Connection to art began in childhood - playing in aunt’s atelier, later on apprenticing and working with Ana Hutinec, Croatian sculptor/painter. While studying Clay sculpture and technology at School of Applied Arts, Zareb, and getting BA in Textile Art/Clothing Design at Zagreb University, Tatjana exhibited at prominent Croatian and international shows, won awards, was noticed by media and included in a book. (1986- 1990)

During visit to Toronto in 1990 Hutinec became displaced by the Homeland war outbreak in Croatia. Staying in Toronto was an only option – but without assets she worked in child care, painted fabric and apparel, thought community art workshops and created sets/costumes for theatrical and film productions during the integration period in the new country.

With a diverse background in painting, sculpture, and public art installations, and experience in variety of mediums Hutinec has showcased her work in Canada since 1996.
Her artwork delves into themes of cultural identity, ancestral wisdom, and newfound clarity, offering a glimpse into her artistic journey and the evolving narratives that shape her work.
Tatjana’s other interests include: art history, human nature, epigenetics, science, psychology, observing clouds and connecting to nature through sailing and kiteboarding.

- Sculptures/installation -Drake Hotel Devonshire, 2023
- Sculptures/installation - Luminato Festival of Art - Harbourfront Toronto 2008
- 2 paintings for City of Toronto's Street Art program. 2015

- “Exploring Identity” at Heliconian Club, Yorkville - TV (OMNI),
- “Riders on the Storm” at Gallery 1313, -Toronto Star 2018

- Group installation/exhibitions “ Reflections of Ourselves” with Tracey Lavko
- Homer Watson Gallery, Kitchener, 2023


Oil on canvas.


“As Above So Below”, series of sky/seascapes, explores the expression which references that what goes on Above, in Heaven, the Mind, affects and influences what is Below, the Earth, Emotions, Body.

Depiction of water in its various forms - above, below and within is a metaphor that invites viewers to re-examine familiar perceptions and beliefs by observing clouds - the water vapour scudding across the sky, daily occurring, impermanent, that remind us what it is to be material in a large system of Nature.

While we store the data of our lives in the Cloud, virtually engage with communities, digital network systems collect our information and tell us how we should feel, and behave, …. absorbed by a rectangle piece of technology, and overloaded by information processing we don’t pay attention to our relationship with the environment or even to ourselves.

Tatjana Hutinec


Oil on canvas.


Hilltop Castle_ 2024, is Inspired by Tatjana’s visit to Croatia and the enchanting Trakošćan Castle.
Originally built in 13th century The castle is now a museum and provides a glimpse into the lives of past residents,

The painting reflects rich heritage of Tatjana’s homeland and a delve into complex issue of cultural identity
through exploring themes that capture ancestral values and wisdom and evoke emotions of strength, power, protection, and stability.

Tatjana Hutinec