Tyler Hill

I am a male in my early thirties. I recently to the last year started playing around with acrylic paints. I shortly learned how much I loved painting and how relaxing of an activity it was for me. Full time I run my own small residential construction business, so painting is still very much just a hobby that I do when I have time on the weekends! I recently decided to post some paintings for sale and immediately sold a handful. Although it is just a passion and hobby it is cool to learn that people enjoy my paintings as much as I do.


I try to give each work my full attention. I am not afraid to make "mistakes" mid work because they very often make for some of the most interesting work. At the very least you learn something from mistakes. I love blending crazy color's together and anything that is bright and pops grabs my attention. I am always trying new things and would say I do not have one single style of painting yet.