Valerie MacIntosh

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Valerie MacIntosh is a lifelong resident of Toronto, and a world traveller. She started art classes early, including life classes from the age of twelve at The Artist’s Workshop. She attended the Rhode Island School of Design, and graduated with a BFA from York University, then a B. Ed. From the University of Toronto. Thereafter she took continuing classes at OCAD and the Toronto School of Art.

She is a recipient of an Ontario Arts Council Grant, and has shown at the Salon show at Propeller Gallery for many years, as well as being included in the CFS show in the fall of 2023.

Her work is rooted in realism and representationalism, although abstract qualities of the overall design are important. Much of her work is painted in oils, although sometimes acrylics are used if painting over collaged elements. Both urban and rural environments are used, and there is attention to diversity in works which include multiple people.

Themes include what humans have done to the climate and our social disconnection.


There are several facets to my art work. My concern for the human effects on the environment, dependence on technology and lack of social connection are frequent themes in my work. But beyond the message, it must be visually engaging – beautiful. Although the subject matter is serious, I want the beauty to spark joy and engagement.
I like to give the observer a lot to look at. My paintings keep giving with every view, so I encourage observers to seek out details.
Because of my life long interest in the human figure, I often include realistic people painted in oils, while other aspects, for instance background buildings, are often collaged and more abstracted. There is an interaction between how the figures are portrayed in their environment and the message conveyed by the whole.
I like to include people who reflect our multiculturalism and the diversity of the human form. Also, I pay a lot of attention to the abstract aspects of the design, as well as making my paintings colourful, all to marry the message with the look.