Wayne Gascho

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Wayne Gascho recently returned to his art on his wife’s gentle coaxing after retiring from a 30 year detour as a paramedic. His earlier focus studying Fine Arts at university was acrylic painting and continues to be so today. He enjoys careful planning in his work using traditional brushes and airbrush, and currently has a tumultuous but optimistic relationship with digital art media.


Even a sleepy sunny morning can be inspiring. Man-made objects and structures have an abundance of interesting visual elements and are generally the focus of my paintings. Nature plays a supporting role. I attempt to explore these elements in my paintings and encourage the viewer’s contemplation, especially when the subject is not recognizable at first glance.
My work reflects a personal preference for planning and precision. I enjoy the feel of painting a clean line on canvas. Hard lines and shapes tend to be more abstract and emphasize the two-dimensional nature of a painting. By adding shadows, shading, and soft touches of airbrush, I introduce the third dimension for an interesting tug-of-war.
I try not to force a subject to fit my style; my style usually adapts to the subject. Despite my plans, the end result can still be a bit of a surprise. It’s always a learning experience and perhaps might give the viewer pause to reconsider the ordinary.

Wayne Gascho