2023 May-June Group Exhibit “Vivid”, Twist Gallery, Toronto
2023 February Solo Exhibit “Interpreting Muskoka”- Ruth UpJohn Gallery
2023 January Group Exhibit “Black and White”- Dignam Gallery, Women’s Art Association
of Canada (WAAC)
2022 December Group Exhibit “Small Gems”- Dignam Gallery, Women’s Art Association of
Canada (WAAC)
2022 August Group Exhibit “From Nature to Abstraction”- Dignam Gallery, Women’s Art
Association of Canada (WAAC)
2022 April Solo Exhibit- SHA Gallery, 2381 Dundas St, West, Toronto
Art Education:
2016-2019 “Abstract Art”- 6-week workshop, AGO, Toronto, Canada
“Colour theory”- 6-week workshop, AGO, Toronto, Canada
“On Wonder” - 6-week course in art history and hands-on exploration
AGO, Toronto, Canada
“On Beauty”- 6-week course in art history and hands-on exploration AGO,
Toronto, Canada
2021 “Find your joy”- 20 weeks virtual course theory and practice of abstract art
“Find your voice”- 8 weeks virtual advanced abstract art course
2023 “Creative Visionary Program”- 20-week online theory and practice
abstract art
2023 “Find your joy”- 12 week virtual course on art theory and practice
Painting has always been a joyful and fulfilling part of my life, but only in the last few years I have felt that I found “my voice”. Painting has also become a more imperative mode of expression, a way to process complex emotions and “interpret” the beauty and wonder surrounding me. My best work is when I let the right part of my brain direct the strokes at the beginning and I “respond” layer by layer until the painting becomes the story that needed to be shared…sometimes troubled and messy, occasionally light and bubbly.
I love the versatility of acrylics. Occasionally, I employ charcoal, textiles, paper and oil sticks to add depth and meaning to my paintings.
My art has always felt very personal and, in the past, I struggled to share it. Pandemic shifted that- I realized that while art making is a selfish act, art sharing is essential, because of its universality, transcending languages, cultures, and trends. And today, more than ever, we need art to sustain, to heal, to connect, to escape…
Are you interested in buying original art through helloart? Our Buyer FAQ will help answer some common questions about the process.
How do I buy art in person?
See a piece of helloart artwork you know would look perfect in your space? We’ve made it easy for viewers to instantly purchase a piece of artwork right from the walls of the lobbies or spaces we exhibit in. You can simply purchase any helloart artwork by scanning the QR code on the smart art label using your phone. Once scanned, you’ll be directed to that specific piece of artwork, and can click ‘add to cart’ to begin your checkout. Once the artwork is purchased, helloart will reach out to you to arrange for the delivery of the artwork.
How do I buy art online?
With over 15,000 artworks to choose from, there is a piece for every taste, style, mood and budget. Please visit our catalog page to see more: https://helloart.com/collections/all
What is the shipping cost?
Canada and the US: free.
Rest of the world: contact us for shipping rate (support@helloart.com).
What’s the return policy?
All sales are final.
How can I be sure that the art is original?
helloart works directly with the artists who create these original pieces. The artwork is shipped directly from the artist's studio to you.
Does helloart offer curatorial services?
Yes. Please email support@helloart.com for more information.