Myroslava Boikiv

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MYROSLAVA BOIKIV is a professional artist in the field of watercolour and textiles. She is a contemporary artist working in traditional mediums, with her own studio in Toronto. She has had over 20 personal exhibitions across Ukraine, Europe and Canada and is as much excited by experimenting in watercolour and collaging a variety of techniques as she is into digging deeper into traditional gobelin tapestry and passing it on to others.

She creates watercolour work, in which the artist uses clean, delicate, variable strokes to help herself uncover the thinnest of nuances in colour and subject, which in turn informs her other work... and so the process continues.

As the curator of the National Museum "Pysanka" in Ukraine for over 10 years, Myroslava organized over 150 diverse exhibits, including many master classes. She has written articles about folk art, and the folk artists of her region, as well as participated in many international conferences, symposiums, and seminars.


Creativity is feeling, emotion, lived experience. It is self-exploration and a reflection of my inner self. Creativity is like a hunger that you need to eternally feed. Today, in the morning, meditation, or painting a scene in watercolour. And tomorrow- the whole day I will be weaving threads into a tapestry, forgetting all about time, which passes, as a moment of blessed sweetness. And it doesn't matter who, or how, anyone may look at this, it only matters what thoughts and feelings arise for myself. To be in art- is to be in its magnetic field of dependence.