Tatiana Nikolaeva

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An emerging artist with a passion for creating art that captures the beauty and complexity of everyday life. From a young age, Tatiana has dreamt of pursuing an artistic career, and finally giving a chance to her dream. She consistently seeks opportunities to learn and improve her skills. With a background in designing adult learning experiences and a degree in psychology, Tatiana brings a unique perspective to her art-making process. With dedication, Tatiana is excited to see where her artistic journey will take her.


As an artist, Tatiana is fascinated by the beauty and richness of the world around us and seeks to capture it in her paintings. Through observation and attention to detail, she renders the subjects with accuracy and precision, while also infusing them with a sense of mood and atmosphere, by playing with the brushstrokes and vivid colors. Her goal is to create paintings that are both true to life and emotionally engaging, inviting viewers to see the world in a new and vibrant light.


Oils on cardboard.


This still-life showcases the natural beauty and vibrant energy of spring. A vase takes center stage in the composition, holding a delicate spring of statice in full bloom. The statice's vivid purple hues pop against the muted grey and green picture's tones, creating a stunning contrast that draws the eye in.
Can be framed by the artist's choice or based on the location's preferences.

Tatiana Nikolaeva