Acrylics, Spray Paint and Markers on Canvas


Created in my studio in Toronto, Canada. Located in the 401 Richmond building.

Part of the IMMI Series.

To understand one can always be better is a remarkable feat every one of us has the opportunity to experience. Some choose to find the limits of greatness and some are comfortable in the situation they currently are. No judgement here, just assessment.

The $20 per hour IMMI knows minimum wage, he's seen how low it can get. However, he's also seen opportunity, progress, growth. His mind is a bit turbulent but his will is strong. $20 per hour seems low but it's a step above the minimum and that matters to him. He understand the game now and knows that it is up to him to keep on increasing that number.

So, what's your hourly rate?

The word IMMI refers to Immigrants. When I started High School in New Jersey, my first days I noticed that some classmates called the ESL kids "the immis". I guess IMMI is cooler than immigrant. The aim of this series is to portray IMMIs in every stage of their journey abroad.


Jose Cifuentes



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