Acrylic on canvas (framed).


The woman in me!
What a dilemma? I am not what I portray myself. Life has engulfed me with various shades of colours, each of the colour left an unforgettable imprint on my mind and body, yet no shade could sweep my identity. I still feel the presence of my individuality in my mind, body and soul.

Outwardly, I appear to be manifested with multitude of colours which are reflected with different phases in my life, some that brought happiness while some left reminisces of trauma. I see things that are agonizing but I overlook, I want to speak out and justify the wrongdoing but just keep silent because I am fulfilling different roles in society and I maintain a decorum to keep everyone happy around me. To me if my small world is happy, I cherish my existence and justify the splash of varied colours in my life.

Women in me

Amogh Katyayan



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