Brian Normandeau

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Discovering My Artistic Side: A Self-Taught Artist's Journey

I was born in Windsor, Ontario, Canada and have spent over thirty-five years in the restaurant and hospitality industries as an owner, general manager, and project manager. It was when I retired and moved to London, Ontario, that I was able to explore my artistic side.


As an artist, it's important to constantly explore different elements of art to continue growing and evolving my work. As a contemporary fine art artist, this often means experimenting with new styles, processes, and materials to create unique and thought-provoking pieces.


While my inspiration can come from various sources, it's clear that the beauty in the world around us is a significant driving force. Which constantly challenges me with new ideas, whether it's the people in my life, my experiences, or the world around us.

Ultimately, what I hope makes my art special is how it can connect with people personally by sparking thoughts, emotions, and memories. As for the stories behind my paintings, they are not what is essential. What is important are the stories the viewer sees and creates while viewing my work. It’s all about building a relationship between the viewer and my paintings.


Textured acrylic on canvas.


"Calm Before the Storm" is a painting that depicts two horses standing in a field. The painting captures the peacefulness and serenity of the moment just before a storm, symbolized by the dark clouds in the background. The horses are portrayed in a realistic style, with meticulous attention to detail in their musculature and features.

Brian Normandeau


Textured acrylic on canvas.


This painting depicts a majestic horse portrayed with a muscular body, shiny coat, and an intense gaze, exuding a sense of power and grace. The brushstrokes and the textures used to paint the horse's mane and tail capture the movement and fluidity of the animal. The surrounding background is painted in warm, earthy tones of gold and bronze, creating a sense of tranquillity and freedom. The overall effect of the painting is one of awe and admiration for the beauty and strength of the horse, and its ability to connect with humans on a deep, emotional level.

Brian Normandeau