Ediz Evrenos

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Ediz Evrenos is a Toronto / Istanbul based artist focusing on acrylic painting and digital illustration with a professional background in the advertisement. He is inspired by the creative process of discovering and thinking with stains and attributing meanings to forms, spaces and volumes. He aspires to capture diverse ways of combining different forms, bodies, and their unexpected encounters. Ediz does not paint what he sees, instead, he prefers to see what he paints.
His digital illustrations are published in art magazines in Istanbul and exhibited at Toronto Public Library.
Recently, his acrylic paintings were shown at two exhibitions at Van der Plas Gallery, New York and 2022 Toronto Outdoor Art Fair.


I am inspired by the creative process of discovering and thinking with stains and attributing meaning to forms spaces and volumes. I don't paint what I see, I prefer to see what I paint. I draw, paint forms and see what comes out. In my work, I arrange themes from evolutionary psychology and neuroscience, which are my areas of deep interest, into new visually and conceptually layered images. My work often aspires to capture the diverse ways of combining different forms, bodies, and their unexpected encounters. I try to underscore the continuity of consciousness with non-human nature in brightly-colored dream-like images. I also make animated gifs inspired by the convergence of art and science. The main mediums of my work are digital and acrylic paint.