Jasmine Virginia

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Jasmine Virginia blends upscale materials such as semi-precious stones, mother of pearl and crystals with recycled jewelry components unearthed in antique jewelry stores and second-hand shops to create high-end, up-cycled chic; dynamic, light-reflective art that is deeply rich in both texture and colour. Jasmine is a self taught artist who followed the promptings of a lucid dream that was clear in it’s message to start creating light based art. The true thrill of her art is watching it transform before your eyes as you interact with the pieces and they interact with the light in the room. Her work has often been described as sparkling sculpture on canvas and she enjoys encouraging people to reach out and touch her work as she believes art should be a multi sensory experience accessible to all.When not creating art you can find Jasmine writing music and rocking stages across the country as the front woman of the well known Alternative Rock band POLARITY.


The intention behind each piece of my work is to bring peace, joy and healing into manifest space for a transformative experience that reminds us of our own dynamic light nature.


Mixed media on board.


Light Of The Goddess is meant to be a meditative reminder of the powerful light within each woman to shine warmth on our thoughts, our hearts, our men, our children, our friends and the world around us and to lift them all UP.

What if you placed a portal above your most sacred space to act as a beacon of light to remind you of your beautiful, feminine and unique dynamic light?
Could it have the power to elevate your consciousness if every time you gazed upon it you are reminded of how your own light radiates outwards and has the potential to touch everyone you meet with warmth?
Could it show you that when you start shining your light of kindness and nurturing energy on those around you that light grows bigger and brighter through them?

How would seeing this shining reminder transform and elevate your thought patterns if it’s something you saw everyday?
Could you use the art to anchor these powerful knowings within you?

When we use art as meditation in our homes it can remind us everyday that we are here to transform into the highest version of ourselves that we came here to be.

It is powerful, just like she is, just like you are.

UP UP and away we glow.

Jasmine Virginia


Mixed Media


Healing Code is a meditation on the DNA and genetic code in the body that is born from LOVE and wants regenerative healing at all times.

This piece is filled with hundreds of angel wings that blossom health from the centre. Around the perimeter of the code is the word 'Love' in binary over and over and over again.

This piece serves as a reminder to us that the divine is within each cell of our body and we are made of love.

Jasmine Virginia