Laura Fauchon

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Artist - ᐅᑖᐸᓯᓇᐦᐃᑫᐤ
Laura’s style is bold and diverse, her message is centered on her culture and identity as an Indigenous woman but also the diversity of her family and community but mostly on the Creator and His gift he has bestowed to her.


I was born on Peepeekisis Cree Nation in Southern Saskatchewan, and am always surrounded by inspiring artisans such as painters, writers, traditional dancers and those who work with their hands. My parents both were survivors of residential school at "File Hills Residential School," and
I attended "File Hills Day School" in the late sixties. In my childhood I endured multiple traumas related to residential school and its effect on my family and community. My parents strived to empower our family into furthering our education and encouraging our creative talent. This is my foundation and what inspires me to paint and draw.


Acrylic on canvas.


"Chiefs Walking Away from Their Cars" is inspired by a photograph taken in the 1940's of Peepeekisis, Saskatchewan on the reserve. The Photograph itself is archived at the Glenbow Museum in Calgary.

Laura Fauchon