Lidia Armenti

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I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec and still reside in this beautiful, multicultural city.
I’m a wife, mother of two beautiful boys and college teacher by profession. I’m a self taught artist and have been painting over 25 years ago as a hobby.


I consider it a privilege to create and showcase my love for nature through my paintings. I enjoy using bright and vibrant colours for my large scale flowers, bringing out their beauty in the smallest of details. I hope to transmit different sentiments in my wildlife art and have each animal bring out its best attribute.
I use superior quality acrylic paints on medium to large size canvases or on any size canvas to fit a client’s preferred space on custom orders.
My wish for all my paintings is to tell a story and touch others as they do me and stir up the emotions of the heart.


Acrylic on canvas (framed).


Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.

Why a lion and why name this piece courage?
Here’s my story…
For almost two years now, I’ve been combating chronic symptoms that have been quite debilitating. I could no longer work, take care of my young family or even get out of bed. The pandemic had made it difficult to get any sort of medical attention, let alone doctors appointments. Despite my efforts, emergency room visits, multiple specialists…the cause was unknown until most recently, towards the end of the completion of this piece.
This painting belongs to the “Unbreakable” series, which will take you through a very personal journey for me. This piece represents my past two years of struggle to hold myself up while I tried to paint, my discouragement, my grief for what I felt I was losing, yet my motivation not to give up.
It took me over a year to complete this old lion, with scars on his face showing his wear and tear, his fatigue, his combat, yet his mightiness in his stare. Lions will fight and defend, continue to persevere throughout danger, fear or difficulty.
This is what I wish to be.

Lidia Armenti