Miguel Hernandez Autorino

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Miguel Hernandez Autorino is a Venezuelan artist and designer living in Peterborough, Canada since 2016. Miguel creates oil paintings, pencil drawings and murals. He has participated in multiple First Friday Art Crawls in Peterborough-ON and a juried show “Why the @#&! Do you paint? All those lines,” at The Gladstone Hotel. In the last year, Miguel has created multiple public pieces in downtown Peterborough. Notably, his artwork can be seen in PRHC, Health Unit Peterborough, and The New Canadians Centre. Throughout the year, Miguel teaches one on one private lessons and drawing classes at the Art School of Peterborough. Miguel is an active volunteer of the New Canadians Centre and the Art School of Peterborough. Miguel paints everyday at his studio, selling commissions and painting his interests.


As an immigrant myself, and also a member of the LGBTQ community I’ve faced years of self doubt, discrimination and in a way a lack of opportunities based on the stated before. It has been only in the past two years when my career and exposure has turned into a great place. As an artist, having the platform to showcase my artwork and share my art with the larger community will mean that people can get exposed to a different way of seeing the world. My work shows a deep, nostalgic and human side to life.


Oil on canvas.


Emptiness is a piece that represents the misery and poverty that many people experience not only in my home country Venezuela, but in so many parts of the world. The painting shows an open fridge with pretty much nothing in it. The fridge is corroded and not clean, to use an analogy of the reality of so many people. Also, I painted the silhouette of a grandmother getting food out of the fridge. That images through her are distorted, first to define her, but also to reinforce the concept of emptiness.

Miguel Hernandez Autorino


Oil on canvas.


This piece is a metaphor of my life, i have a clear vision of my life goal and where I want to be but im not quite there yet. Meanwhile, so many people ignore their mission and possibly will never discover it and swim around the sun in a way lost. After i took the picture that served as inspiration, it was clear to me what the message was. Also the painting represented a technical challenge since i wanted to create a simple line and high contrast to represent complex volumes.

Miguel Hernandez Autorino