Isabella Ramirez

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Isabella Ramirez is a Colombian contemporary artist based in Toronto, where she is currently completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at OCADU. Her artistic work draws inspiration primarily from her personal environment, including family, friends, and her own life experiences. Ramirez's creative work often explores themes of sexuality, cultural exploration, and the process of coming of age. She employs a variety of mediums in her work, such as oil paint, acrylic, colored pencils, markers, and ink.
The artist's career is marked by a strong commitment to self-discovery and a deep exploration of the world around her. She is continually seeking new forms of self-expression and strives to gain fresh perspectives on the world and its people by traveling frequently. An essential part of Isabella's artistic practice is her deep connection to her homeland, Colombia. Lately, she has been creating artwork that bridges the gap between her life in Canada and her Colombian roots, exploring her childhood and how her Colombian upbringing has influenced her work and life in Canada today.