
helloart is hiring an Exhibition Manager in B.C.

helloart is hiring an Exhibition Manager in B.C.! Our team is growing, and we’re excited to share this opportunity.

How helloart Matches Artists with Businesses

  Welcome to helloart! Whether you’ve already signed on to work with us or are just perusing the site, we’re excited you’re here. This post will provide a breakdown of how our artist and business matching system works.When helloart partners with a new business, we ensure that we familiarize ourselves...

Comment présenter votre œuvre en ligne

Providing the Best Online Viewing Experience for Your Artwork helloart not only helps artists exhibit and sell their artwork at local businesses, but also provides artists with a platform to present, promote, and sell their artwork online. Displaying your artwork online allows for your art to reach a world-wide audience,...

Inclusivity in the Art World

Hello artist friends!Our helloart team is comprised of a multicultural group of various beliefs, identities, and backgrounds, and we care deeply about inclusivity in the art world. With this in mind, helloart is now providing the option to self-identify cultural and/or ethnic background on your account. If you choose to...

Interested in Exhibiting and Selling Your Art at Local Businesses?

  Interested in Exhibiting and Selling Your Artwork, Locally? Are you an artist seeking new opportunities to exhibit and sell your artwork? At helloart, we understand that as an artist, it can be extremely difficult to pave your way through the business of art, and we would love to assist...

Les mérites de la présentation d'art non traditionnel

The Merits of Non-traditional Art Presentation By Emilie Francis Moffat As an artist, exhibiting your work to the public is always an exciting prospect. Opportunities to do so in a gallery space are often coveted and can be difficult to obtain, however, they are not the only option. Digital exhibits...

Déterminer la valeur d'une œuvre d'art : ne vous sous-vendez pas !

Determining Artwork Value: Don’t Undersell yourself! By Emilie Francis Moffat Pricing ones’ artwork can be the most challenging stage of a works’ conception. You put countless hours and endless amounts of energy into your artistic practice, and you deserve recognition for that effort. But how to decide a price point?...

Environnement, social et gouvernance (ESG) - Pourquoi soutenir les artistes locaux est une bonne affaire

Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG)- Why Supporting Local Artists is Good Business By Tawny McKee With all the new and trending terms out there, sometimes it’s hard to determine what’s worth your time and what’s not. While Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) has been around for years now and has...

Démocratiser l'art à Toronto et au-delà

The art market can be fickle. The veritable trapeze act of traversing its often-elitist principles is one that artists and collectors alike learn early on; it is a consummate playground of hoops to jump through no matter which team you play for. To succeed, one must excel at balancing luck,...

Découvrez Art Everywhere avec helloart

  Discover Local Artwork Everywhere Have you ever spent time thinking about purchasing a ticket to see a new art exhibit in town? What if you could discover artwork without having to go out of your way or pay for a ticket? helloart exhibitions are free to access and provide...

Utiliser l'art original pour mettre en scène une propriété

Working With Artists Can Increase Property Value Listing a property for sale is more complicated than just snapping a few photos and putting them online with a general description. In today’s competitive real estate market, ensuring sellers get the best offers possible is key. But how does artwork come into...

Comment entretenir les illustrations

Taking Care of Art Doesn’t Have to be Complicated Maybe you’ve just purchased your first piece of art, or you already have a collection growing at home. Owning art is exciting, but do you know how to maintain it so it doesn’t sustain damage over time?  Taking care of art...

Comment résoudre un problème de mur vide

Filling Your Business with Unique Art  Are you struggling trying to find artwork that would fit onto your walls and make your business look more inviting? If your business or office is having a problem with blank walls then helloart's art rotation is the solution. When you become a member of...

Comment l'art peut aider votre entreprise

Invest in Your Local Art Community While there are many conventional methods that a company can use to grow its business, it's often the less conventional ones that can make a huge difference. There are a number of different choices that businesses can make, including investing in art. This is...

Comment votre entreprise peut bénéficier de l'engagement communautaire

Help Your Business by Helping Your Local Community Businesses have entered a new turning point with the internet bringing broad opportunities to sell and deliver items to individuals and businesses around the world. New doors have been opened that allow more connections, innovation and growth. With businesses being able to...

Comment l'art local améliore les espaces

Create a Warm, Welcoming Space Local art can change the ambiance of any space and transform a room from something cold and uninviting into an area of warmth and comfort. It can also add excitement and can stir a range of other positive emotions with its energy. Ambiance Transformation Many workplaces...