Kate Segriff

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Kate was formally trained in the tech industry and spent 30 years as a data-miner with a side of weekly painting. Kate has had some success, appearing on Canada's Landscape Artist of the year as a wild card, appearing in local newspapers and magazines and featured at local galleries, including her own which resides in her heritage B&B Field Day Art, in Millbrook Ontario where she resides. Kate recently retired and has changed her weekly painting routine to near daily.


I began painting at 8 years old, when my parents bought me a beautiful lamp which was actually had a doll for the base. I painted it with my paints and brought it out to show my mom and aunt, my aunt said it had to have been traced and my mother defended me by saying that would be a really good trick considering it is her bedroom lamp. I was hooked. I spent my life in a good job in the tech industry putting away money for my full time art career, and painting on weekends. I recently retired from my fund-raising job and I now paint daily. My biggest love is rich saturated colour! I like to paint portraits and landscapes that are bold and expressive in beautiful buttery oils. Animals are my favourite subjects but I also love people and our beautiful Canadian landscape that gives me endless subject matter.