Lauri Novak

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Lauri Novak is an award-winning fine art photographer, mentor and author based outside of Chicago. She has an eye for photographing architecture, traveling as much as possible and just wandering in nature with her camera.

Having grown up within an hour of one of the most architecturally rich cities sparked an interest in architecture early in her life that has been a recurring theme in her work over the years. The camera was ever-present in her life growing up in one form or another, including the many family vacation photos that were taken by her mother. Lauri received her first camera when she was a child. Since then the world has opened up to her through her view-finder and has brought into focus many of the details in life that are often overlooked.

Traveling was also a big part of her life. Her family went somewhere new every year which allowed Lauri to see different parts of the country, different cities and landscapes across the United States. This opened up so many opportunities for photographs and the wandering spirit which is part of who she is to this day. On her own, she traveled overseas and discovered different cultures, amazing historical architecture and the incredible beauty that is everywhere in this world. All the while capturing what she saw with her camera.

One of the questions Lauri is asked most often both by viewers of her work and other photographers is, “How did you see that?” She works hard to show different perspectives, unique angles and the everyday details of a wide variety of subjects.

Lauri also has a passion for helping others and offers mentorships and photo tours. She also shares her inspiration and motivational tips for photographers as an author at Medium .

Her work has been featured in Our USA Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, Kane County Chronicle and on WGN-TV. She has had images in several galleries in Chicago and as part of an international exhibition in Barcelona.


I feel like photography has always been part of my life. It defines a large part of who I am. I was the one always taking photos in school and tried my hand at the usual yearbook and school newspaper photographer roles. They weren’t for me. I learned things along the way and consider it all part of my journey of seeing.

My photography reflects my perspective and personality. I have always had a bit of a different way of looking at the world. I feel fortunate to not have gone along with the crowd, and follow trends and even though it wasn’t always seen as ‘right’, my viewpoints and way of being have pushed through in my work.

I am blessed with a wandering spirit that was developed throughout my life and something I honor to this day. I grew up traveling the United States with my family. We went to a different destination every year. Being able to see beyond our own town and the local area is how I first started telling photographic stories. Different landscapes, cities, life on farms, driving across America and camping along the way, really opened my eyes to so much of what else was out there to see. I continue to travel, explore the world and capture what I see along the way.

Architecture was always a part of what I saw, was drawn to and continues to be the main subject for my work. Considering I live near Chicago it makes it relatively easy. Shape, form, lines, shadows and reflections continue to draw my eye. Finding unique ways of photographing buildings and creating art with them is how I challenge myself in my work. I see nature in the same way. Mother Nature is the original architect and an incredible one at that. My images of landscapes, leaves, streams, and mountains also reflect my love of architecture.

How can I see this and photograph it differently? What is a way no one has photographed this before? Both questions I ask myself as I approach not only architecture but almost any subject I photograph.

I love to create images that make others look at them, wonder what they are or how I saw what I saw. I’m continually learning new techniques, relying on my sense of play and childlike wonder in order to create and grow in my art. I feel a sense of accomplishment and know I've reached my goal when a viewer stops, thinks and experiences wonder and curiosity when seeing my work.