Lorene Runham

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Lorene Runham was born in BC and is now a full-time artist living in Olds, Alberta with her husband of 46 years.
Lorene received her formal training in Art & Design at Red Deer College.
Lorene’s most recent works have evolved into using photography to create digital collages. The camera’s viewfinder has become a tool to see the Canadian landscape. Her works deliver exciting textures and designs while portraying strong light and colour.
Lorene has developed a lifelong loyalty to place: rural Canada! “I strongly believe artists are the keepers of our culture. Everything around us is important to our success and survival as a culture.”
Lorene’s exhibitions have included solo shows throughout Alberta and was also one of four landscape artists chosen for a province wide themed show exhibited at the Legislative Assembly Gallery in Edmonton, AB.
In 2010, Lorene was drafted into a battle she did not want to fight – cancer. As a survivor she turns to her art making as an expression of praise and gratitude!