Luminita Serbanescu

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Luminita was born in Transylvania and was always involved in art. A life changing relocation to Canada with a degree in architecture followed. Still, she finds time for art.
Solo art shows in restaurants, cafes, community centres, rewarded hard work. Participation in group shows opened as a member of prestigious galleries and art associations. Illustrations for books published in Canada and abroad, art Collectors in Europe, USA, Australia, and Canada ensue.
Luminita’s art talks about human character, nature, danger to environment and wild life, climate change, hope.


There is so much beauty in the world, sometimes out there for everyone to see! Sometimes quietly hidden and in no need of being found! Just walk outside and look at the sky, or under a leaf! And feel your heart full of happiness! And if you still cannot see the beauty, listen to music! Music defies boundaries! I put that music in my art. In the red first layer as a background, in the light overpowering the landscape, in the sun reflections on people’s faces! Listen to it!


Acrylic on canvas.


A man relaxing in his break, by watching beautiful women walking by. He ignores the other people, and sees himself as the only important person, so he is the only one fully painted

Luminita Serbanescu