Nancy R. Chalut

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Nancy R. Chalut is a native of Hamilton. Chalut took a BA from University of Guelph, holds a Certificate of Qualification in Industrial Woodworking, studied Interior Design at Sheridan College, Oakville and taught Industrial Woodworking and Design at Mohawk College, Hamilton.

Chalut studied drawing methods of the Renaissance Masters under Pauline Bradshaw 2004-2007,oil painting under Anne-Marie Kornachuk 2008-2011 and attended workshops with John Angel and Dwayne Hardy.

Nancy is an inducted member of the Ontario Society of Artists as of 2015.

Participating in over forty juried shows, Nancy has received Jurors’ Choice and HonourableMention Awards. Chalut's highest achievement to date being selected by the OSA for live and online exhibition in the Lieutenant Governors’ Suite, Queens Park.