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Nargis Naqvi is a Saudi Canadian artist with a South Asian ethnicity. She grew up in Saudi Arabia, got her education in the United States in Business, Interior Design and Photography and moved to Canada with her husband and one child in 1999. She resides in Milton with her husband and three children, plus a rabbit.
Her passion for the arts started in grade school and her father indulged her with the best canvases, easels and oil paints. Without any training or formal education, she experimented and created. Other forms of art were introduced along the way but she loved painting more than anything and stuck to that. She now paints in mixed media using spray paints, collage, acrylics, oils and gold leafing plus much more.
Her focus is usually the life of women and often you’d see a clay pot or two in her paintings. The clay pot depicts ‘life’ as it carries water and the woman is often carrying it or it stands broken next to her.
She has exhibited in over 25 exhibitions, has had one solo exhibition and is the Chair for Exhibitions Committee at the Fine Arts Society of Milton. Her painting ‘Humanity First’ has been converted to a traffic box wrap and is on the intersection of Louis St. Lauren and Farmstead in Milton ON.


Mixed media on canvas (framed).


The story of a girl all dressed up, waiting for her groom to come and collect her. Her life is about waiting, waiting for her fate to be determined for her. This is a story of many girls in the South Asian culture, often in rural areas, where they don't have a say in their future.

Floater frame



Acrylic on canvas.


The world and its chaos is like a jungle. We are intertwined with its many colours and feel overwhelmed. In this jungle, one has to part the leaves and desire a connection with God and they will find many hidden gems in the form of places of worship where one can reconnect with their higher self in solitude.



Mixed media on canvas.


A woman who works hard all day finds time at night to sit in solitude and ponders over her existence amid beauty, family and hard work written in her fate.



Mixed media on canvas.


Women in villages are the ones sent in the heat to get water. As they walk in the hot sand with their clay pots, they dream of a life that would be easier and better. The structure is a mirage that depicts peace and solitude and a place to worship.



Mixed media on canvas.


As Palestine burns and lives are lost, this is a deep longing for peace, peace in the world, no more bloodshed, the longing of a woman wanting to see places of worship respected and people respected for being human. This is a wish for a better world.



Mixed media on canvas.


This depicts a woman leaving her home with her child. The home of her parents where she grew up. The destiny of women is that of sacrifice, as she wonders what her daughter’s destiny will be. Will she leave her as well as she makes a life of her own?