Acrylic paint on stretched canvas.


Frame is white with wire in the back.

Inspired by Auguste Rodin's iconic sculpture, The Thinker, this painting "Western Thought" (2016), presents a vibrant and expressive interpretation of the famous pose. Based on a still life study of a small bronze replica, Western Thought explores the Western world's complex relationship with intellectual contemplation. The figure, seated in a tense and introspective posture, symbolizes the ongoing struggle between the mind's inherent conflicts and the individual's desire to control inner experiences—a hallmark of Western thought that has shaped life for centuries.

However, this work also reflects a shift in perspective, highlighting the emerging influence of Eastern philosophy. Rather than battling the mind's turbulence, this approach suggests embracing it through meditation, acceptance, and the observation of "nothingness." This painting invites viewers to reflect on these contrasting mental frameworks and their implications in the modern world.

Western Thought

Agamjot Singh



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