How to Solve a Blank Wall Problem

How to Solve a Blank Wall Problem

Filling Your Business with Unique Art

 Are you struggling trying to find artwork that would fit onto your walls and make your business look more inviting? If your business or office is having a problem with blank walls then helloart's art rotation is the solution.

When you become a member of our program, you'll be able to fill up the walls in your company or office space and promote art in your local community. Plus, at the same time you will earn a commission for the original art pieces that people end up buying.

Art Rotation

People often become quickly accustomed to things in their environment and stop noticing things that don't change. For example, if you have the same piece of art hanging up on the wall for years at a time, it's a given that your employees will just get used to it and will walk right past it every day without giving it a second thought. If you happen to change that piece of art, however, you can bet that people will start to notice it right away!

With art rotation on your walls you'll be able to provide a creative and fresh backdrop for anyone who passes through, and for your employees. When a piece of art is sold, new art will take its place. 

You'll never have to deal with empty walls again. Your office or business will have more warmth and will become much more inviting. While bare walls provide a feeling of cold emptiness, walls filled with artwork creates an inviting warmth, which is always good for business.

Become a Host

Learn more about the program offered at We can show you how to display original art and support artists in your community. You will also receive a commission for any art you sell, which makes it a win-win situation for everyone involved.