Acrylic, chalk, conté, carbon, and chalkboard paint on panel.


This painting is part of a series entitled, False Relations and Fractions. These mixed media works offer up an arrangement of incongruous image pairings and split second variations that layer cultural references, natural elements and imagined realities.

Roofs of Toronto houses open up to reveal ephemeral hierarchies; output graphs from Ontario's wind power facilities intertwine with musical notation spectrograms of Italian madrigals; and groupings of fragile objects invite closer inspection.

Madrigal: Moro lasso al mio duolo (left half), composed by Carlo Gesualdo.
Ontario Wind Power Facilities - Capacity: Dec 14 – 31, 2011.
House: at Markham St. and Harbord St.

False Relation 1: Capacity

Ester Pugliese



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